Lera Auerbach's The Little Mermaid with the Houston Ballet

After performing as thereminist this summer in Vermont with the Craftsbury Chamber Players, and as a guest artist at the Aspen Music Festival and School, Darryl will perform as thereminist with the Houston Ballet in their production of the powerful and poignant work by Lera Auerbach, The Little Mermaid. Performances run from September 6th to the 15th.

Houston Chronicle Article on the Theremin, featuring Darryl Kubian
In the News:
"When the Houston Ballet opens its season on Sept. 6, with "The Little Mermaid", there will be an unusual instrument in the orchestra pit.
The theremin, which famed music critic Harold C. Schonberg once described as a “cello lost in a dense fog, crying because it does not know how to get home,” has not just a fascinating sound but a history to match. [...]"
Click below to read the article and access a video clip from the Houston Chronicle: